August 28, 2024

Conquering the Colony: Global Trends and Effective Ant Management with Matthew Remmen

Whether in urban or rural communities, the Envu Professional Pest Management team works to manage pests to protect human health, food supplies and communities.

Envu is committed to advancing healthy environments for everyone, everywhere. Whether in urban or rural communities, the Envu Professional Pest Management team works to manage pests to protect human health, food supplies and communities. Ant management is one priority of the business. While most people would agree that ants in your home are a nuisance, particularly when they get into your food, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) reports that ants, can actually harbor disease-causing organisms such as E. coli and can potentially transfer these pathogens to food.

Envu works to mitigate these risks by providing technical support, education and unparalleled presence in the field to help pest management professionals manage these nuisance pests. According to our experts, the most important aspect of any ant management program is accurate identification of the species. This information will dictate the management practices and solutions implemented for effective control. Matt Remmen, Envu technical market development manager, explains that ant infestations vary due to diverse situations and multiple ant species. As a result, pest management professionals “must maintain a varied toolbox, including the following product categories: baits, traps and dust insecticides.”

In a recent webinar, Remmen discussed ant species identification, considerations for an effective management strategy and emerging global trends in ant management.

  1. How can pest management professionals (PMPs) in different regions around the world identify local ant species effectively? Are there universal identification markers that can be applied globally?
    • To effectively identify the species, you’ll need a knowledgeable resource. That could be a classically trained entomologist, a technician with significant experience or another company expert. You can also rely on local universities, distributors and consultants if you cannot identify the ant. There are also ant guides that identify the most common invasive species (there is likely to be significant overlap in many regions).
  2. Do products such as residual sprays, gel baits and dusts perform differently in various regions due to climate differences? How can PMPs ensure they are using the most effective solutions for their specific area? 
    • The products could perform differently, but I do think they will be effective in controlling the pests. Different areas may have labeling that requires treatments that are not 100% analogous. To ensure they are using the most effective products and techniques, they should be consulting the local Envu representative as those specific nuances are not always obvious to us in the U.S.
  3. What environmental factors (e.g., climate, local plant species) should PMPs consider when implementing an ant control strategy?
    • PMPs should consider food resource removal for the ants, entry reduction and the service intervals in their areas. If a pest management professional can stop the ant food source, block the ant entry into the home or business, and either provide alternate food or inhospitable nesting locations, it would likely stop the ants and satisfy the customer.
  4. Are there any emerging trends or technologies in ant control expected to have a significant impact globally? How can PMPs prepare to integrate these advancements into their businesses?
    • I think the global use of baits will increase. Being a targeted control technique with lower probability of non-target effects, lower probability of off-site movement and overall lower amount of insecticides used is an ideal way to perform ant management around the globe.

As populations expand and cities grow, they become more favorable to pests. To take action, Envu works alongside pest management professionals to protect the homes and businesses we build our lives around.

By combining technical expertise with ongoing education, Envu ensures that pest management professionals are well equipped to address the challenges posed by ants. Accurate identification and tailored management strategies are pivotal to combating the risks associated with ants, as highlighted by Matt Remmen’s insights. And as pest management practices evolve with emerging global technologies and trends, Envu remains committed to 360° innovation — bringing proven chemistries and advanced detection tools so we can respond quickly to nature’s shifts, enabling our customers to take full control of any pest situation. To protect the places we live from pests, we must be a force with nature.