Our Commitment to Compliance

The foundation of our relations is trust. Trust is precious and has to be nurtured every day.

A woman holds a toddler's hand while they walk along a path toward a cityscape.

Building and maintaining trust is at the core of our Company’s values and is central to our Company’s Environmental, Societal and Governmental (ESG) commitments for sustainable development, which is so urgent in today’s world. Our Compliance Management Policy reflects this and provides the core principles our Company must comply with in all we do. This Compliance Management Policy presents our Company’s principles of business conduct that apply to our activities. These principles are not only ingrained into our activities through this policy, but also into our processes and overall values.

Click the link below to download our Compliance Management Policy to learn more.

Envu is committed to integrity in all of our operations and to ensuring a safe and inclusive workplace for our employees. In the spirit of transparency, below are links to all of our core policies in these areas and others beyond compliance. If you have a question or concern about our policies, you may contact us via the link below.

Internal Code of Conduct

Envu is operating at the edge of innovation in environmental sciences. To ensure that we meet current societal expectations and create value for all stakeholders through our business activities, Envu enacts the present Internal Code of Conduct.

This Internal Code of Conduct represents our guiding principles and is the foundation of all Envu activities. What fuels this Internal Code of Conduct is our passion and determination to make a significant positive contribution to addressing some of the most pressing challenges of our time. The principles set herein are grounded in our vision of “Healthy environments for everyone, everywhere” and the Envu values “Entrepreneurial Mindset – Start with the Customer – Passion – One Team, One Dream”.

This Internal Code of Conduct comprises our values regarding innovation, our workplace, our business model and the way we interact with all stakeholders. This Policy applies across Envu and gives us guidance for our interactions with all stakeholders. 

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Risk Management

The Risk Management Policy provides a systematic approach towards the proactive identification, assessment, treatment and reporting of relevant risks which may potentially endanger the achievement of the objectives of Envu.

Risk Management (RM) assigns clear ownership for each relevant risk, makes the decision on risk treatment transparent, provides a continuous risk reporting as well as regularly reviews and monitors the mitigation actions status.

In addition, RM is an early warning system that provides transparency on risks that could potentially endanger the continued existence of the company’s and on their development over time.

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Crisis Management

A crisis is a sudden internal or external event or set of circumstances which has the potential, especially if not properly and timely addressed, to significantly affect an organization and inflict serious harm to the well-being, credibility, reputation, and possibly even the existence, of a business. Three elements are common to a crisis: a threat to the organization, the element of surprise and a short decision time, and - this may be the fourth defining quality of a crisis - the need for change.

Envu has established a situation-based lean and effective Crisis Management process that includes clear roles and responsibilities and process-related organizational requirements company-wide. Crisis Management includes actions in four areas: crisis prevention, crisis assessment, crisis handling and crisis termination. The aim of this Crisis Management Policy is to be well prepared for any crisis and to ensure a rapid and adequate response to the crisis, maintaining clear lines of reporting and communication in the event of crisis and agreeing to rules for crisis termination and moving back to a normal state of business or moving to a business continuity program.

Our Crisis Management Plan is designed to allow the organization to address a sudden internal or external event / crisis that requires immediate execution / action for the organization. The Business Continuity Management planning that is in place at the sites, etc. is the ongoing operational preparation, training, execution or response measures that are developed for risks pre-defined by the organization that will be helpful in the event of a crisis.

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Supplier Code of Conduct

Envu’s activities have broad global reach across a wide range of industries. Envu promotes innovation and strives for economic, social, and environmental sustainability to ensure the long-term success of our company and its stakeholders.

Envu is committed to compliance with the law, sustainability and applying the highest ethical standards to its business activities. In support of this goal, Envu expects strict adherence to our principles for labour, environment, health, and safety as outlined in this Supplier Code of Conduct (the “Supplier Code”).

Envu follows the Principles of the United Nations Global Compact as well as the International Labour Organization (ILO) Forced Labour Standards, the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, the UK Bribery Act, and all anti-bribery and anti-trust laws of other countries.

Envu is dedicated to conducting its business considering these principles. In this document Envu has set forth principles that reflect its commitment to integrity and compliance within its supply chain and are instrumental for dealings with suppliers and specifies applicable standards.

Envu expects all its suppliers to strictly observe and comply with all the principles expressed herein, in all their activities and sites worldwide and to ensure that these standards are met within their supply chains.

The principles expressed in this Supplier Code comprise an important component of supplier selection, evaluation and is an important element in making sourcing decisions. Moreover, we expect our suppliers to replicate these standards further down the supply chain. Envu may visit (and/or have external monitors visit) supplier facilities, with or without notice, to assess compliance with the Supplier Code.

If a supplier is in breach of these principles and cannot agree on an improvement plan or does not implement it, Envu reserves the right to redetermine the continuation of the commercial relationship and possible legal action.

This Supplier Code is therefore made available to our suppliers with the goal of strengthening our mutual understanding of how these principles should be practiced in day-to-day business including the advancement of efforts to contribute to the better health of people, animals, and plants. 

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Compliance Management

This Compliance Management Policy outlines Envu's principles of business conduct. It defines the boundaries within which we as Envu employees must act in compliance with laws and internal regulations. Doing so protects Envu and each of us.

This Compliance Management Policy does not cover every situation we may encounter. However, it is our compass for acting with integrity and safeguard our reputation and avoid any financial damage.

Our decisions are legal, ethical and responsible. Doing the right thing is not always easy or clear, but it is necessary. Do not hesitate to consult our internal experts for input and guidance. 

Compliance Management Policy

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Conflict of Interest

A conflict of interest is a situation which may happen to each and every employee. Envu is committed to an appropriate handling of arising conflicts of interest as set out in the Compliance Management Policy. All Envu employees are required to keep private and business relationships strictly apart and to disclose a conflict of interest situation as soon as it arises.

This Policy is intended to provide a clear overview of the handling of conflicts of interest, outlining examples and best practices. The objective is to support Envu employees to ensure that their activities are at all times fully compliant with applicable laws and our Compliance Management Policy.

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Antitrust – or competition – laws are designed to promote and protect fair competition. Envu is committed to ensuring fair, unrestricted competition through compliance with all applicable antitrust laws worldwide as stated in the Principles of Business Conduct set out in Envu’s Compliance Management policy. All Envu employees are required to comply with applicable antitrust laws and regulations. In this course, Envu employees should also pay attention to and comply with all procedures related to contract management, as contracts are a central source of business opportunities.

This Policy provides a clear overview of antitrust laws relevant to Envu’s business strategy in order to support Envu employees in ensuring that their activities are at all times fully compliant with such laws.

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Envu will not tolerate corruption.

“Corruption is recognized to be one of the world's greatest challenges. It is a major hindrance to sustainable development, with a disproportionate impact on poor communities and is corrosive on the very fabric of society.” (United Nations Global Compact)

Corruption is a crime in many countries, and the company and its employees can be prosecuted for violating the law whether or not the corrupt practice took place within the governing jurisdiction. In addition, publicity surrounding participation in corrupt activity could severely harm the company´s reputation, the public´s trust in Envu, and consequently, the company´s economic standing.

This Anti-Corruption Policy is designed to help colleagues worldwide to avoid potential corruption issues.

It has been drafted to provide support and guidance. It should help us to avoid risks and meet today’s compliance challenges. Corruption risks require special procedures to ensure that we genuinely honor our commitment to fight corruption and properly document our compliance efforts. If you have any questions after consulting this Policy, please consult with Legal, Patent, and Compliance.

Only by thoroughly implementing this Policy can we protect Envu and our employees around the world from severe consequences.

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Business Continuity Management

Internal or external disruptive events like natural disasters, pandemics, strikes, power outage, supplier disruptions, etc. have the potential to cause severe longer-term operational disruptions to Envu’s global or local businesses. Without suitable preparation, risk exists for the inability to deliver products and services, which can lead to financial or reputational damages, or cause a failure to meet legal and regulatory obligations that could in turn have a major impact on our financial stability, or even going out of business, dependent upon different circumstances.

In line with Envu’s vision of “Healthy environments for everyone, everywhere”, Business Continuity Management (BCM) plays an important role. Envu strives to ensure its Business Continuity (BC).

The objective of BCM is to provide the capability to adequately prepare for and react to disruptive events ensuring the ability to deliver products and services in scope to our customers.

BCM ensures that, based on a diligent scoping process and Business Impact Analysis (BIA), Business Continuity Plans (BCPs) are defined. It provides a level of assurance that the organization can either continue to provide products and services to comply with given market or regulatory obligations and reduce financial and reputational impact or recovers from the disruptive event in a systematic and timely manner. BCM also supports the existing Crisis Management organizations with additional reaction strategies, and more specifically, Business Continuity Plans (BCPs), that can be activated during or immediately after a disruptive event that is being managed in accordance with the existing Envu Crisis Management Process described in the Crisis Management policy.

Note: Envu BCM will be developed in the near future. Therefore, this Policy brings the general concept of the future program, pre-approved by Envu Leadership Team on the Policy issue date

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Modern Slavery Mitigation in Supply Chain

Envu is committed to acting ethically and with integrity in all its business dealings and relationships. Modern slavery is a crime and a violation of fundamental human rights. It takes various forms, such as slavery, servitude and compulsory labour and human trafficking, all of which have in common the deprivation of a person’s liberty by another to exploit them for personal or commercial gain.

Envu follows the Principles of the United Nations Global Compact as well as the International Labour Organization (ILO) Forced Labour Standards. Envu strictly prohibits the use of Modern Slavery and human trafficking in its supply chains. Envu operates in an ethical way to mitigate and eradicate the risk of violating human rights. Envu is fully committed to improving its systems and controls to ensure that Modern Slavery and human rights violations do not occur in any of its operations or supply chains. Suppliers of Envu must commit to doing the same within their own supply chains as stipulated in the Envu Supplier Code of Conduct.

Envu expects all its suppliers to have ethical processes and policies in place within their own businesses and throughout their supply chain. Envu will monitor supplier compliance with this Policy with a focus on suppliers with a higher risk, through the use of the Supplier Sustainability Assessment process. This will enable appropriate risk management and continuous improvement of suppliers and will require them to provide evidence of their business practices and controls in relation to Modern Slavery.

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The objective of this Anti-Fraud Policy is to implement processes, procedures and controls that will aid in the prevention and detection of fraud against Envu while ensuring a fair treatment of matters pertaining to fraud. It is the intent of Envu to promote a culture founded on fraud prevention, detection, awareness, and accountability, to clarify acts that may be suspicious, and to provide a comprehensive framework of internal controls. This is to be executed with documented and formalized policies, procedures, processes, and other supporting safeguards as needed.

Fraud is defined by the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners as “any activity that relies on deception in order to achieve a gain. Fraud becomes a crime when it is a “knowing misrepresentation of the truth or concealment of a material fact to induce another to act to his or her detriment” (Black’s Law Dictionary). In other words, if you lie in order to deprive a person or organization of their money or property, you’re committing fraud.”

Fraud is a breach of trust and gross violation of our Internal Code of Conduct.

This Anti-Fraud Policy is applicable to any and all acts or omissions that constitute fraudulent or suspected fraudulent activity that includes, but is not limited to, monetary items such as cash, funds, proprietary information, intellectual properties, material of value, content, data, assets, properties, consumables, office articles and supplies including stationery, deals, contracts, bribes, gifts, favors, influencing, undue prioritization, etc., for personal gains either individually or collectively by its employees and/or stakeholders of Envu.

Envu upholds a zero-tolerance approach regarding fraud. This Anti-Fraud Policy is designed to help colleagues worldwide avoid potential fraud issues. It has been developed to provide support and guidance to prevent, detect, report, and investigate when fraudulent acts are suspected. It will help us to avoid risks and meet today’s compliance challenges.

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Occupational Health & Safety

To achieve our vision “Healthy environments for everyone, everywhere” Envu is strongly committed to Occupational Health & Safety to take care of the safety, health, and wellbeing of people, whether they are employees, contractors, visitors, or the communities around the world.

Health and Safety culture is fully aligned with Envu cultural traits:

  • One Team, One Dream: HSE protection matters for each one at Envu. Every employee takes the needed actions to mitigate risks to improve their health and safety, the one of their coworkers. “HSE every day, everywhere”
  • Passion: Health and Safety culture enables employees to improve and transform products, services, practices in a dynamic and positive manner, demonstrating passion in achievements
  • Start with the Customer: We seek for constant feedback from our users to enhance their protection in using our products and services
  • Entrepeneurial Mindset: every employee constantly adapts their practice to comply with Health and Safety legal requirements and meet Envu objectives 

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Fairness & Respect at Work

At Envu, we constantly strive to create the best environment for employees to perform, innovate and develop. We believe that a critical element in achieving this goal is treating every employee fairly and with respect.

The essential components of Fairness and Respect are an environment in which acceptable standards of behavior are followed and that ensures that employees shall not be subject to discrimination, harassment, or retaliation. Envu believes that its employees deserve to work in an environment where fairness and respect are an essential part of the company culture.

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Data Privacy

As information becomes more available, more valuable and is stored in more places, individuals have an understandable interest in protecting the privacy of information about them. Envu commits itself to protecting individuals’ Personal Data. Envu’s ability to operate effectively depends on a positive relationship with our stakeholders. They entrust Envu with their Personal Data and expect that Envu will protect their privacy. Meeting that expectation is a key principle and critical to the success of the company.

Data Privacy laws vary widely from country to country, with some countries having no Data Privacy legislation at all, some having Data Privacy protection scattered in several different laws and others having comprehensive Data Privacy laws. Data Privacy is an essential right in many countries where Envu does some business. Because Data Privacy is an important topic, and especially because there is not a single global standard, a group-wide approach to Data Privacy is required to establish an appropriate common standard that adequately protects Personal Data while allowing for the secure, legal exchange of Personal Data and efficient execution of our business.

This Policy explains the general principles that govern the management and protection of Personal Data at Envu.

Dos and Don'ts

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